Concrete Blocks
This listing includes the dimensions and properties of Australia's most commonly available concrete blocks. The sizes and coding system shown in this listing align with those provided by the Concrete Masonry Association of Australia in Part A: Chapter 3 of their technical guidelines.
The listing also includes the following information for unreinforced concrete blockwork:
• Ultimate compressive capacity
• Ultimate vertical bending capacity
• Ultimate horizontal bending capacity
• Ultimate shear capacity
Member compressive capacity
Fom = 1 kN/m
Vertical bending capacity
Mcv = 1 kN⋅m/m
Shear capacity
Vo = 1 kN/m
Horizontal bending capacity
Mch = 1 kN⋅m/m
Dimensions and Properties
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Hollow or Solid do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Hollow or Solid, Block density (kg/m3) do not match table records.
Design for Members in Compression
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
Not Available
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
Not Available
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
Not Available
Design for Vertical Bending
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
Design for Horizontal Bending
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Shear Capacity
Not Available
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.