AISC Steel Structural Sections
Dimensions and Properties of Steel sections from AISC Shapes Database v16.0 August 2023
Imperial Designation
Metric Designation
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Shape Type do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Shape Type do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Shape Type do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: do not match table records.
The table is not uploaded or the values for the variables: Shape Type do not match table records.

Location of warping statical moment in W-shape