SureLok™ is a revolutionary engineered solution to Temporary Movement Joints (TMJ).
SureLok™ is a Temporary Movement Joint (TMJ) system that is the result of years of experience, investment, research, development & testing. Designed to address the common challenges faced with alternate TMJ systems, it is fully compliant with the National Construction Code of Australia and offers a cost-effective, reliable, and practical solution for TMJs. SureLok™ enables the removal of back-propping while slabs shrink, ensures a fully sealed and grouted system for permanent locking, and provides superior shear and tension capacities. Additionally, the intelligent void ensures the dowel retains cover for durability and fire within the sleeve across the joint without having to rely on the joint itself being sealed or grouted.
Ultimate Tension Design Capacity
1 kN
Ultimate Vertical Design Resistance
1 kN
Minimum Edge Distance
1 mm
Minimum Spacing
1 mm
Product Description
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Ultimate Tension Design Capacity
Ultimate Vertical Design Resistance
Not Available
Relative Joint Movement

Relative joint movement
Edge Distance and Spacing
Not Available

Spacing and edge distance requirements
Reinforcement Requirements
General qualification
• Engineers to satisfy themselves that SureLok™ is fit for purpose in the context of all design, installation and service risks and parameters.
Engineering qualification
• The horizontal load capacities of SureLok™ subject to AS 1530 / ISO 834 fire conditions may vary from those tabulated.
• Grouting and/or caulking of the open joint is required to protect SureLok™ and provide structural adequacy under all fire conditions.
Installation qualification
• Care must be taken to install the product strictly as per installation instructions. Product failure may result from incorrect installation or from damage experienced by the product during installation or concreting.